Morning Birding Along Lake Geneva / Day Trip Report May 2018


Meeting before the sun started to light our subjects, we slowly walked along the left bank of Lake Geneva. In just 2 hours we were able to spot 16 species, and we did take a lot of time with some of the birds we have seen, in order to teach our participant how to capture their beauty and grace as well as possible. During our excursions and tours, we always try to let our participants develop their own vision, giving them clues to be both more efficient and creative. There is no point in having all the same exact images, right? :)

Black Kites, Mute Swans, Red-crested Pochards, Mallards, Goosanders, Great-crested Grebes and Yellow-legged Gulls were our main subjects.

In addition to the birds, the light was absolutely stunning and the atmosphere was really peaceful. Perfect conditions for some morning birding.

Salva Fauna


Slowing Down In Creux Du Van / Day Trip Report June 2018


Sunrise At Marais De Sionnet / Day Trip Report April 2018