When to go birding in Camargue?

Birding in Camargue provides magical moments in every season. The landscapes are superbly soft, the light is often spectacular, and you are sure to see a lot of birds in all seasons.

However, in our opinion, there are 2 highlights during the year for a birding tour in the Camargue:

  • in the spring, to admire the migratory birds returning from Africa.

  • in winter, to watch the Greater Flamingos parade and discover the growing colony of Common Cranes.

Add to that all the resident species that are sedentary and can therefore be seen all year round, and you have enough to spend a few memorable days birding in the Camargue.

birding in Camargue

Photo : Jonathan Guillot

Now let's focus on each season:

Birding in Camargue in spring

Without doubt the most beautiful season of the year, spring is exceptional because it is home to an absolutely extraordinary diversity of bird species. It is in the spring, mainly from March to May, that migratory species return from Africa to their breeding grounds. And the Camargue is a must for most species. Some birds will stop there for a few hours or a few days on their journey, others will stop there for the entire breeding season.

And who says breeding season says birdsong. The Camargue then becomes magical also in terms of sound.

Among the most emblematic species that arrive in the Camargue in spring, let us mention the European Bee-eater, the Pied Avocet or the Eurasian Hoopoe.

birding in Camargue

Photo : Arnaud Saguer

Shorebirds are also numerous, with a great diversity of species and sometimes large numbers.

birding in Camargue

Photo : Arnaud Saguer

birding in Camargue

Photo : Arnaud Saguer

It is very interesting to explore birding sites on both sides of the Etang du Fangassier, and even to explore the Petite Camargue further west.

Birding in Camargue in summer

In summer, the diversity of species remains great, with the exception of the migratory birds which have just passed by the Camargue to stop off on their migration route. However, the sites are generally busier and the temperatures much higher. Summer is still a great season to go bird watching in the Camargue, even if it is not the best time of the year.

Birding in Camargue in fall

Autumn is an interesting season for bird watching in Camargue because it is during this season that migratory birds carry out their post-nuptial migration. Indeed, they descend to the south to reach their wintering area. Some birds will stay in the Camargue for months because it is there that they have chosen to spend the winter.

Fall is also an opportunity to appreciate the resident bird species with far fewer people around to observe them. Among them, some magnificent species such as the Bearded Reedling, the Glossy Ibis, the Common Shelduck, or the Greater Flamingo of course! Most of the tourists and birders are no longer there, which makes it possible to discover a more peaceful, quieter Camargue.

birding in Camargue

Photo : Arnaud Saguer

Birding in Camargue in winter

We love winter in the Camargue because it is during this season that the extraordinary Greater Flamingos parade takes place. A magical spectacle!

birding in Camargue

Photo : Jonathan Guillot

In winter, there are also all the wintering species, including several species of ducks and geese.

birding in Camargue

Photo : Arnaud Saguer

The Camargue is also home to an increasing number of Common Cranes. It is now a major wintering area for the species.

The Camargue is the best birding site in France and it is therefore easy to understand why.

Guide Salva Fauna


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