Private Birding Tour at Lake Neuchâtel / September 2023
Birding day trip on the shores of Lake Neuchâtel, this time starting at midday and enjoying the beautiful lights in the evening (Spoiler alert, it was magical).
I meet Lucie and Nicolas at peak time in Yverdon near the Robert Hainard promenade. A place well known to ornithologists and many species of birds. During the autumn migration, it is the last stop on a lake before the agricultural plains and Lake Geneva a few tens of kilometers further.
And it starts well, as soon as we arrive a group of Dunlins are feeding less than 10 meters away.
Photo Loris Bono
Then a male Common Redstart shows up clearly, the opportunity to talk a little more about this migratory species that we can hear on the park side along our walk. We also hear a few Common Chiffchaffs, Flycatchers and can even spot the discreet Garden Warbler!
On the lake side, we take the opportunity to determine the species of ducks and the different types of plumage ; Mallards, Gadwalls and even Wigeons are present, often accompanied by Red-crested Pochards, Green-winged Teals and sometimes exotic species such as the Ruddy Shelduck or the Egyptian Goose. Many Great Cormorants, Gray Herons and Great Egrets serve as stakes for the slaloms of the most agile birds such as Kingfishers or Ruffs.
We cross a fairly dense wood before leaving for the second and final stop. A few woodpeckers attract our attention, first spotted with their cries then twice overflights. In the small branches of the humid forest, among the Great and Blue tits, a Great Spotted Woodpecker suddenly appears.
We then travel to Cudrefin. We will spend the late evening there until sunset... with beautiful sightings.
Photo Loris Bono
A body of water in the reed bed is home to Greylag Geese, at their feet various Ruffs feed accompanied by a Northern Lapwing. The list of ducks is completed with the observation of Northern Pintails.
The light changes gently and the sky becomes dotted with birds. A great time to photograph birds in flight and on the water. We take advantage of observing numerous waders including dozens of Eurasian Curlews, a Common Ringed Plover, a few Common Snipes and two Ruddy Turnstones (!) even a Temminck's Sandpiper will be identified and we will be flown over by a Common Crane before walking back.
Photo Loris Bono
It was therefore a superb birding tour on Lake Neuchâtel, tailor-made and guided for our 2 guests, which allowed us to experience great moments in the great outdoors. A day as we like them :) If you would also like to go on a nature excursion with us, do not hesitate to contact us.
Guide Salva Fauna