The Musk Oxen of Greenland

The Muskox is an extraordinary animal, extremely charismatic and imposing. Weighing up to 400 kilograms in adulthood, each encounter with a wild Muskox is forever engraved in your memory.

Arnaud Saguer

Greenland is home to a large population of wild Musk Oxen, estimated at between 15,000 and 27,000 individuals. It is one of the most famous animals on the island. Their name in the local language is “Umimmak”, which means “the long-bearded”.

Muskoxen can be seen both south and north of the island. They thrive most in the Kangerlussuaq region. Introduced in the 1960s from 27 individuals from the north of the island, there are now around 10,000 Muskoxen in this area providing them with very good food resources. These animals are exclusively herbivorous, and the milder climate of southwest Greenland provides them with richer food.

Arnaud Saguer

Despite their heavy and placid appearance, they can run very fast and rarely charge. It is therefore essential to meet them with the greatest respect, keeping a distance of several tens of meters at all times.

Our wildlife tour to Greenland is a superb opportunity to discover this mythical animal in its natural environment.

Guide Salva Fauna


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