Birds of Lake Neuchâtel / Excursion December 2021
Our guide Lucas meets our guests at the start of this new excursion dedicated to the birds of Lake Neuchâtel. It is one of the good birding hotspots in French-speaking Switzerland, and particularly in winter.
The conditions are delicate due to the wind. And as usual for this excursion at the end of the year, it is cold. Fortunately, the sun was there.
The excursion begins as often at the Pro Natura Center in Champ-Pittet. This allowed our guests to observe a Common Kingfisher in the middle of a fishing session, coming and going several times.
Photo Lucas Mugnier
A few Mergansers are also present, which is a first for our participant Alexis. Coming from central France, this one is delighted to observe this species for us quite common but which is not present in his region. The Water Rail also makes several appearances.
As we consider leaving, a small group of Bearded Reedlings arrive, feeding in the reeds for over fifteen minutes. Bearded Reedlings are an emblematic species of Lake Neuchâtel so it is always a pleasure for our guides to be able to show them to our participants.
As we leave, we observe on our way a group of Eurasian Siskins, mixed with Firecrest, Blue Tit, Eurasian Wren, European Robin, etc ... then we arrive at the observatory.
Photo Lucas Mugnier
There, we spot several Great Egrets. So elegant!
Photo Lucas Mugnier
And quickly the Bearded Reedlings arrive. We are so happy! The moment is fantastic! In the observatory, we are sheltered from the wind, which makes viewing all the more comfortable.
We then head to another good birding hotspots of Lake Neuchâtel. We observed several species of diving ducks that were not present in Champ-Pittet. We are delighted to discover several thousand Red-crested Pochards, Common Pochards, Tufted Ducks, Common Coots, Great-crested Grebes, etc.. and many are very close to the shore, which makes observation and photography very easy. A wonderful moment that allows our guide Lucas to explain in detail the behavior and biology of the different species of diving ducks to our guests. Indeed, our excursions are always a great opportunity to learn a lot of things about wildlife and thus develop naturalistic knowledge.
Photo Lucas Mugnier
We also saw two Long-eared Owls, but we limited our viewing time to just a few minutes, keeping a good distance so as not to disturb them. These nocturnal raptors rest in the middle of the day, so it is important to respect their tranquility.
Photo Lucas Mugnier
When we arrived in Cudrefin, we had a good picnic in the sun and sheltered from the wind, the timing was perfect. We go along the Broye canal, but no birds are found on the first part of the path. We arrive at the end of the canal and there it is madness! Despite the strong wind, the lake level being low, several mudflats are exposed and thousands of surface ducks rest and feed on them.
Photo Lucas Mugnier
Hundreds of Northern Pintails, Eurasian Wigeons, Gadwalls, also lots of Greylag Geese and Mute Swans. We also find a group of about ten Dunlins quite close, to the delight of our participants. We are regularly flown over by Ruddy Shelducks and Egyptian Goose, two feral species. And we see an Eurasian Curlew, which our participants had never seen before.
Surprised, at the end of the canal, we find a group of about sixty Common Goldeneyes, an absolutely magnificent bird. Some males are even parading, this behavior is magical to observe.
On the way back, lots of Red Kites, a few Common Buzzards and Common Kestrels, and a superb observation of Great Spotted Woodpecker.
So it was a truly memorable day with a truly extraordinary amount and diversity of birds. What proves once again that it is always good to go out into the wild, whatever the conditions! Lucas took great pleasure in guiding our participants who had a great time throughout this superb naturalist excursion. If you would like to join us for our next editions of our “Birds of Lake Neuchâtel” excursion, do not hesitate to contact us.
Guide Salva Fauna