Birds of Lake Neuchâtel / Tour December 2020
Mathieu and I meet our guests at 8 a.m. for a day dedicated to discovering the birds of Lake Neuchâtel. Birds wintering on the large lakes are clearly one of the highlights of birding in Switzerland. Whether it is Lake Geneva, Lake Constance, Lake Neuchâtel, all are home to large groups of birds during the winter.
The conditions are ideal: light, no wind, and snowy landscapes of great beauty.
Photo Jonathan Guillot
After scouting and consulting the latest sightings of rare birds, Mathieu confirms the planned route. We will mainly explore two essential birding hotspots of Lake Neuchâtel: Champ-Pittet and the Fanel Reserve.
The first session of the day therefore takes place at the Pro Natura Center in Champ-Pittet. It is a beautiful place, and interesting in all seasons. In winter, it is possible to observe overwintering ducks, Great Egrets, sometimes the Great Bittern, and of course all the other species that we can see there all year round.
Photo Jonathan Guillot
We stay several hours on site and the show is extraordinary. There is a lot of activity and we observe several species with great proximity. All without disturbing the birds because we are comfortably installed in the observatory and then in the tower.
The Common Kingfisher passes 6 times! About ten Great Egrets land on the frozen lake, several Water Rails are seen, etc. Our participants are delighted to see so many beautiful things.
Photo Jenny Ozbeck
Photo Jenny Ozbeck
Since the restaurants are closed due to the current context, we have planned to eat a good Italian meal on site that I will quickly take from a nearby caterer. Ideal for warming up a bit and regaining strength.
We then take the road to Cudrefin to visit the Fanel Reserve. We walk along the canal. At the end are hundreds, if not thousands of birds. There is a great diversity of species, including rarities such as the Whooper Swan, the Eurasian Oystercatcher, or the White-fronted Goose.
We also see several species of gulls, a Hen Harrier and even hear Bearded Reedling. On the way back, the sky is ablaze. What a way to end this memorable day in style.
Guide Salva Fauna