Sunrise at Marais de Sionnet / Private Excursion with Anne-Marie & Fabien

I meet Anne-Marie and Fabien for this private naturalist excursion with ideal weather conditions. The morning atmosphere is superb.

As we arrive at the heart of the site after a short walk, we have the great surprise and immense pleasure of finding a Black-winged Stilt! A magnificent bird that you don't often see at Marais de Sionnet. This is the advantage of birding during the spring migration, you never know what you will have the chance to see!

Right next to it, we can also observe Wood Sandpiper, Common Greenshank, Ruff, Green-winged Teal, Garganey, Northern Shoveler, Eurasian Coot... all in a divine light. What a treat!

We then continue on our way and Hen Harrier, Black Kite, Carrion Crow or Jackdaw pass us overhead. Each sighting gives me the opportunity to help my guests identify the birds that we see but also that we hear. Learning bird songs brings an additional dimension which is very valuable in the field. And it's also a real pleasure to listen to this diversity of sound at a time when birds sing with all their might to mark their territory and attract their mates for the breeding season. European Greenfinch, Eurasian Reed Warbler, Reed Bunting, Common Chaffinch, all are singing out loud.

As we walk quietly, taking our time, I detect a suspicious shape in a field in front of us. A Hare! It happens to be seen quite regularly, but this one is relatively close. With binoculars, it's magic! We stand still, and instead of seeing him run away, he starts hopping in our direction. We can't get over it. The observation is exceptional.

We end our loop by returning to where we had seen all the waders earlier in the morning. It's so rare to see so many species at the same time and with such close proximity here that I suggest to Anne-Marie and Fabien that we end our excursion in the same place. This allows us to have a much better observation of the Ruff.

With 47 species including several rarities, a superb encounter with a Hare, and absolutely perfect weather and light conditions, this naturalist excursion to the Marais de Sionnet was one of the most beautiful of the year.

If would you like to go with us, check our dedicated page “Sunrise at the Marais de Sionnet” and join us!

Guide Salva Fauna


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